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      所在位置 : 首页 > 新闻中心






      For the fall and winter of 2014, JZ continues its “supreme beauty”by upgrading its visual image for the new season in Scottish Highlands.Fourteen years after its birth, with its intelligence and sagacity, JZ brandincorporates more generosity into its brand allegation of “graceful heart,pleasant look” and opens a journey for refinement of the brand and the time.
      JZ, blending the commodity philosophy thatapplies to oriental women with the demand for a more leisurely posture ofmodern urban women, has won the honor of being “a fashion master thanunderstands female body shape building most”. In the fall and winter of 2014,JZ will strengthen the refinery of artistic elements in costume design. Fromclassical Baroco style to the impressionism of 19th century andcontemporary modernism geometric fashion, JZ presents the supreme beauty oftime for the season with its artistic narrative lines.
      Application of elements from varied art periods became a mostprominent highlight of JZ release for this season. Insisting on thebody-building concept as always in terms of fabric cutting, profile shaping,and combination of print design, JZ has adopted the popular pragmatism and theinspiration of bright color matching for the fall and winter seasons in productresearch and design as well as costume design.
          In the fall and winter of 2014, JZ, with a brand-new visual image,will rebuild women’s confidence and gracefulness and nourish their flawlessspiritual beauty. Let us patiently wait for a new round of delightful fashionto be brought by JZ.
