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      所在位置 : 首页 > 新闻中心

      “筑梦计划 绿茵梦想”安正义卖活动圆满结束






      这次义卖活动是安正慈善基金会2014“筑梦计划绿茵梦想”活动的重要组成部分,此次“筑梦计划 绿茵梦想”共分为三个阶段:第一阶段是六月份的义卖会;第二阶段是7-8月的援建操场活动,安正时尚集团将出资八万元为坡儿小学建设绿茵操场;第三阶段是9月份的爱心使者捐赠“爱心书包”活动。


      On the morning of June 24, 2014, “Dream Plan, Green Dream” charity sale hosted by Anzheng Fashion Group Charity Foundation and organized by Corporate Culture Promotion Department was solemnly opened in the hall on the first floor of Anzheng operating headquarters in Shanghai. All articles for charity sale were donated by employees of Anzheng Group, and the employees purchased to raise fund. The charity sale lasted for two days, raising¥7008.8.

      Five price ranges were set for the collected articles by value:¥10,¥20,¥30,¥40 and¥50. Some valuable articles were auctioned. Interested colleagues left contact information and offer on the card, and the highest bidders obtained the auctioned articles according to statistics of workers.

      12:00-13:00 on the morning of June 24-25 was lunch time of employees. They gathered in this small area before and after lunch to select their favorite articles. With the spirit of “dedicating love”, they conscientiously put money into the donation box. Some colleagues dedicated love by donation as they found no appropriate articles. Their partners kept praising them. The charity sale involved numerous types of articles: accessories, cups, stationery, tableware, red wine, artware, luxuries and so on. Some colleagues donated their prints and other works for auction to make contribution to this activity.

      The charity sale coincided with JZ terminal seminar and Anzheng men’s wear ordering. Apart from employees at Anzheng operating headquarters in Shanghai, many terminal partners participated in the charity sale, bringing more positive energy and endless hope for all workers and volunteers that took part in the activity.

      The money raised by charity sale will be used for donation of “Love Schoolbag” for Poer Primary School in September.

      The charity sale is an important part of 2014 “Dream Plan Green Dream” of Anzheng Charity Foundation. “Dream Plan Green Dream” falls into three stages: charity sale in June, playground construction in July-August, when Anzheng Fashion Group will invest ¥80,000 to build a playground for Poer Primary School, and donation of “Love Schoolbag” by love messengers in September.

      The charity sale was also the first collective activity of Anzheng Volunteer Group since its establishment. 14 volunteers of the Group participated in the charity sale, contributing material resources and more manpower. We hope that the spirit of dedication of volunteers can be continued and inherited, and that our love can affect more Anzheng people.

